Team Rules / Policys, Tyke 7 MD Maroon, 2015-2016, DS (Peterborough Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintTeam Rules / Policys

Peterborough Tyke 7MD Pete’s

Players / Parents / Coaches

Code of Conduct

1)     Promise to practice hard, play as hard as I practice.

2)     Win with pride, lose with dignity.

3)     Always lead by example, be a team player.

4)     Represent Peterborough Minor Hockey with the highest level of conduct.

5)     Arrive for games 45 and practices 20 minutes before. If you're running late please let your manager or coaches know with a text, phone call or email.

6)     Games - Players are to be dressed in Peterborough minor track suit jacket or winter coat and pants, have running shoes ready for pre-game warm up. Not having a proper attire will result in possible discipline to be decided by coaching staff.

7)     Players/parents will be responsible for their team jersey to bring both sets to home & away games.

8)     Missing practice or tardiness results in loss of a period of play, Second time: two periods, Third time: results in a missed game.

9)     Respect your parents your coaches the referees and your teammates.

10)  We will not tolerate fighting amongst players; pushing, shoving, name calling or negative comments towards another teamate will result in discipline to be set by the coaching staff.

11)  All sticks are to be kept in a stick rack until game time.

12)  Neck guards and mouth guards are required for all games and practices.

13)  Coaches only in the change room or halls 15 min prior to games.

14)  Players are to be dressed 15 minutes prior to game time.

15)  After games and practices players are to remove helmets and gloves only to listen to the coaches, no parents in the room directly after these ice times.

16)  Parents please allow a 24 hour window after any game or practice to email the manager with any concerns, problems or issues. Respect the parent code of conduct, this will be followed to allow us all to come to a resolution to any concerns or issues we may face.

17)  We won't tolerate sideline coaches please allow your coaching staff to do the coaching. We ask that during practices no parents are to be on the bench.

18)  Players will be placed in positions that the coaching staff feel are best fit suited to fit their style of play and benefit of the team. However if players wish to try new positions if the opportunity arises and it is possible for the coaching staff to accommodate we will make full effort to do this.

19)  The goal is development and equal ice time will be given to all players throughout the season, however in extra ordinary situations if needed the coaches may use specific players in situations they feel will benefit the team.





On Ice rules

1)     When coaches are talking the players will be on one knee with listening to the coaches instructions.

2)     After you complete a drill players will go on one knee.

3)     Horse play during practices will not be tolerated, when the whistle goes the players will be expected to stop and listen to the coaches instructions.  No shooting of pucks, no pushing or punching of teamates will be acceptable behaviour. Discipline will be at the coaching staff’s discretion

4)      Two players will pick up the pucks after practice, we will allow the goalies to pick the two players responsible for doing this.

Players Code of Play

1)     I will play hockey because I want to, not just because others or coaches want me to.

2)      I will play by the rules of hockey, and in the spirit of the game.

3)      I will respect my opponents.

4)      I will control my temper – fighting and mouthing off can spoil the activity for everyone.

5)      I will do my best to be a true team player.

6)      I will remember that winning isn’t everything that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

7)      I will acknowledge all good plays / performances – those of my team and of my opponents.

8)      I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.



Best Regards,


Your MD7 Coaching Staff