New Public Health Regulations For Minor Sports, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Dec 07, 2020 | PHA | 1107 views
New Public Health Regulations For Minor Sports
As you all know, O. Reg. 364/20: Rules for Areas in Stage 3 outlines the requirements for the use of masks and face coverings in indoor areas of premises and establishments. Persons responsible for the business or organization open must ensure that any person indoors wears a mask or face covering, subject to the exemptions set out in the regulation. 

Recently, the regulation was updated to include the following new/additional section: Schedule 1, General Compliance, Section 2(7)A person shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment that provides protection of the person’s eyes, nose and mouth if, in the course of providing services, the person,(a)  is required to come within 2 meters of another person who is not wearing a mask or face covering in a manner that covers that person’s mouth, nose and chin during any period when that person is in an indoor area; and(b)  is not separated by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier from a person described in clause (a). 

It is important to note that this section indicates that a “person” must wear the personal protective equipment and that there are no listed exemptions for this situation. The implementation of this section has begun in certain sectors, such as the restaurant industry. Servers who routinely are coming into contact with individuals who are not masked, are required to wear PPE. However, this section could equally apply to team sports. 

If a coach, trainer or other person (who is “providing service” of coaching or training, etc.) is required to come within 2 meters of players (who presumably are not masked while playing/on ice), then they are required to wear PPE, including a medical-grade mask and eye protection (safety glasses, goggles, face shield, etc.).

For more information please visit the information below:

 O. Reg. 364/20: Rules for Areas in Stage 3
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