PHA Season Update - January 20 2021, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Jan 20, 2021 | Michael Heffernan | 1451 views
PHA Season Update - January 20 2021
PHA Members,

The PHA Offices remain closed while we work with Peterborough Public Health Unit, OHF, OMHA, and City of Peterborough for a safe return to hockey.

The current lockdown in Ontario has hockey at a standstill and the Peterborough Hockey Association paused all programming Dec 24th, this pause will continue through the Ontario Lockdown,  until the end date of Feb 11th. This is unless the Ontario Government or City of Peterborough extend their current states of emergency / shutdowns. The earliest hockey could return is February 12th if the lockdown is lifted and arenas are permitted to open by the City and Peterborough and Public Health Unit.  If at that time hockey is permitted to resume, the PHA will resume programming as it was before the Christmas break with Tier 1 practices and games. The PHA Executive is continuing to work on all current Return to Hockey plan scenarios and all related issues including safety, scheduling, financials, etc. 

Important Items:

-PHA Rep Executives will be posting Coaching Applications in early February for those wishing to apply for 2021-2022 rep teams. All those wishing to coach next season will need to reapply regardless of 2020 announcements.  Interviews will commence later in February and you will be able to find information regard this on the PHA website in early February. All age groups and teams are available going forward to the 2021-2022 season.
-Spring tryouts have officially been cancelled and moved to September 2021 by the OHF (there will be no tryouts in April)
-The OHF plan for next season is a return to a normal hockey program for most associations outside hotspots.  They are looking at a change in tournament travel and how tryouts will look, but the hope is to have regular hockey for the 2021-2022 season. 

- The OHF 2021-2022 seasonal calendar will be finalized and published Feb 27

In co-operation with the City, OHF, OMHA and Peterborough Public health there will be a more detailed plan coming later this month when more information is available.  We thank you for all your patience and support as we all want to get back on the ice as soon as possible.

Thank You

The Peterborough Hockey Association
Tim Hortons
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