Feb 08, 2021 | PHA | 1705 views
February Return to Play UPDATED
February Return to Play UPDATED
Updated Feb 8, 2021
PHA Members Re: Ontario Government Announcement Monday Feb 8th 2021
The Province of Ontario announced Monday Feb 8th that Regions will gradually transition back into Covid-19 response framework between February 10 and February 22, subject to review of the trends in public health indicators. Shutdown and stay-at-home orders remain in the Peterborough Public Health (PPH) region. At this time, Peterborough will remain in a shutdown and stay at home order until February 16th. Pending review by PPH of local COVID-19 indicators, it is expected that we will be placed into revised COVID-19 response framework. NOTE: Which covid-19 response colour our region will be assigned is not known at this time.
This will delay the opening of the arenas and will push back our anticipated return to hockey date. The PHA Executive continues to work with the City of Peterborough, Peterborough Public Health Unit, OHF and OMHA for a return to play plan. The PHA plan continues to be a return to the ice when and if the arenas are able to open and have capacity limits that are within our needs. If or when this happens all Convenors, Coaches and team members will be contacted, and the schedule will be posted on the website. However, if news should arrive prohibiting this from happening, it will also be posted on our site.
Thank you & stay safe.
The PHA Executive Board