Return to Hockey - Restart Feb 16th, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Feb 12, 2021 | PHA | 1894 views
Return to Hockey - Restart Feb 16th
February 12th, 2021  

PHA Tier 1 & 2 -- Players, Parents, Coaches, and Trainers: 

The PHA will be resuming on ice activities as they were before Christmas starting Tuesday February 16th, 2021. The schedule has been posted on the PHA website and will run through till the end of March. There will be six weeks of combined practices and 4 vs. 4 games, which adhere to the OHF Return to Play Phase 2 Stage 3D policy. All teams will stay as they were unless directors made any changes to balance before the break. We hope to have a safe, fun, and useful six weeks back on the ice before the PHA season ends March 31st. 

There will be no spring tryouts for next season, all tryouts for the 2021-2022 season will be in September as per the OHF seasonal schedule. 

Coaching Applications for all 2021-2022 Rep teams will be live on the website starting Feb 16th, with a deadline of March 2nd.  All levels and age groups are open for applications, and we encourage all those with coaching experience to apply. If you have any questions about coaching next season, please email the VP of Rep.

Reminder of Covid Protocol: 

All Coaches, trainers, players, and parents must refamiliarize themselves with the protocols to enter the arena below.

Thank you to the City of Peterborough, Public Health, OHF, OMHA, and all our PHA Volunteers for keeping us within proper guidelines and Returning us to Play Safely. 


Important Letters:

Updated Requirements that apply to individuals (for more details please see attached Feb 12th Letter from Peterborough Public Health Unit)

3.1 (1) Every person on the premises of a business or organization that is open shall wear a mask or face covering in a manner that covers their mouth, nose and chin during any period in which they are in an indoor area of the premises. 

The other big change with regards to the Regulations is around exemptions: 

  • If you are in the arena as a spectator or support staff, not on the bench, and not near unmasked people – the general exemption rules apply if you have them 
  • If you are on the bench, exemptions do not apply, and PPE is required. If you have exemptions and are not able to wear PPE, you will not be able to be on the bench and will have to find other ways to support your team 


Ontario Governments Reopening Framework: 

COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open.

Simplified Entry/Ice Time Countdown: (varies slightly for township arenas)
25 Minutes Prior to Ice Time [in warm vehicle] In Parking Lot
20 Minutes Prior to Ice Time Teams Organized at Entry Door
15 Minutes Prior to Ice Time Doors Unlock, Doors Open, Group Enters
10 Minutes Prior to Ice Time Doors Close, Doors Lock. No Entry.

Please Read Entire Article

We appreciate and support the City of Peterborough Staff.
No exceptions to these timelines or posted rules & procedures.
Please do not ask City Staff to let you in after your entry time has passed.

All Information related to Arena Policies & Procedures and Covid Policies & Procedures can be found under the Covid-19 Information Menu Tab on our PHA Website Homepage.

Prior to Every Ice Time:
Everyone is required to complete the Online Covid Screening Form and make certain your Team's Covid Tracker records your Passed Screening before entry (and preferably before arrival).

The online screening has been updated and when you complete it you or your Team Tracker (if directed) will get an automated email that you will show in advance or at the door to the Coach or Volunteer/Team Tracker completing the tracking sheet.  Please do this within 12 hours before, so any ice times tomorrow will need the automated email to enter the arena for the players. Parents or Guardians entering the Arena will use the test on the same online form, they do not need to do a second. Parents or Guardians can also do the test orally and be added to Tracking Form prior to entering the Arena. 

All PHA Players and parents please read and understand the following:
All coaches, trainers, players and one parent or guardian entering the building must have a face covering on at all time. (Only exception is members on the ice and only for the on-ice portions)  

Coaches / Trainers will wear mask at all times and face shield or CSA approved goggles or glasses at all time on the bench and any time 6 feet of distance is not possible on the ice.

All players will bring prefilled water bottles should they desire water during their game or practice.   

Screening Questionnaire within 12 hours before every ice for each participant and accompanying parent or guardian.

Please be honest and truthful; our program depends on this. 

If you are sick or show symptoms, please do not participate in PHA Activities.  Please follow Return to Play Protocols.  

Returning to Hockey after Illness:
If your son / daughter has missed hockey due to being sick, the following form must be filled out, it will be sent automatically to the Health@peterboroughhockey email. You will receive a copy, please forward this to your teams coach and trainer. They are not able to take part in any PHA activities until this is completed and the Health team clears them for a return to play.

All players will show up as dressed as possible and enter the arena 10-15 min before ice time. 

Dressing rooms will be assigned not by team, but by ice time. Masks, bags, and other items will be left in the room and players will then go directly on the ice. Undressing in the room after is only acceptable if completed and out of the facility within the 10min time limit, otherwise players will finish in the parking lot.  


Teams will have 50 minutes on the ice, at which Zamboni staff will buzz you off, players will take skates off and be escorted out. Players will not be able to take their time after, as next team does not enter till last player is out from the ice before. 

Screening Questionnaire within 12 hours before every ice for each participant and accompanying parent or guardian.

Showers will not be accessible for use in the arena dressing rooms.

All other related Information can be found under the Covid-19 Information Menu Tab on our PHA Website Homepage. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to your divisional director or the VP of Rep (Tier 1) or VP of House League (Tier 2).

Thank you,

PHA Executive. 


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Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is the Proud sponsor of our U5 U7 U8 program The Timbits.