Mar 03, 2021 | Michael Heffernan | 1402 views
PPHU Updates Screening - March 3rd, 2021
PHA Members, please see the following message from the Peterborough Public Health Unit. The biggest change is reflected on our online screening form and states that if anyone from the players household shows any one of the symptoms then the player is not eligible to participate due to updated provincial protocols.
From the Health Unit....
As you know, the Peterborough Public Health (PPH) COVID-19 response level is presently listed as yellow. However, given recent events in our community, I thought it would be prudent to flag for you that a colour change may be forthcoming for our region. The province ultimately decides what colour restriction level the PPH region is assigned, so we will let you know the moment we hear if the province will change our colour restriction level. In the meantime, you may want to look over the requirements for the various colour coded restrictions. To learn more, please click here for the Response Framework and you may also want to click here for a simpler version. The associated Regulations for the colours are listed below:
O. Reg. 82/20: Grey-Lockdown
O. Reg. 263/20: Red-Control
O. Reg. 364/20: Green-Prevent, Yellow-Protect, and Orange-Restrict
The biggest changes for minor hockey would be if we hit ‘red’ when game play is suspended; things are status quo with regards to game play in Orange, however other details change which are noted below.
This is from the ‘red’ section of the framework:
Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmage)
Activities that are likely to result in individuals coming within 2 metres of each other are not permitted; no contact permitted for team or individual sports
We also wanted to take this opportunity to review a few important points for the sports and recreation sector:
Safety plans
Despite the PPH colour level, a mandatory requirement for your business or organization is a COVID-19 safety plan. (It is my understanding that each of you have already produced these and shared them with your municipalities). You can use the safety plan template and checklist that the Ministry provides on their website, or you can use your own template. But, at a minimum, you must cover off the requested components from the Ministry recommended safety plan template AND a summary of your safety plan must be posted in a visible location at your facility.
Active Screening ·
For staff/coaches/trainers
It is a mandatory provincial requirement that your organizations actively screen staff before they arrive to work. This must happen no matter what colour restriction level designated for the PPH area. You can use the worker screening tool provided by the province, or a tool designed to meet the needs of your business, but at a minimum the questions you ask must include the questions on the worker screening tool. The tool includes questions for individuals over 18 and then there is another set of questions for individuals who are 17 and under. NOTE: The questions have recently changed and you must ensure your active screening aligns with the new questions. Most importantly, it is critical that no one enter your premise if they or someone from their household has symptoms.
For patrons/customers/spectators/players
In the yellow level of restrictions, active screening of patrons is strongly recommended, as per the Ontario Guidance Document for Sport & Recreation Facilities. However, for orange and red restriction levels, active screening of patrons is mandatory. We strongly suggest that you look to adopting a patron/customer active screening process now, so that it is ready to go in case the PPH level change colour levels. The tool includes questions for individuals over 18 and then there is another set of questions for individuals who are 17 and under that aligns with the Ontario screening tool for schools. NOTE: The questions have recently changed for the patron/customer screening tool and you must ensure your active screening aligns with the new questions. Most importantly, it is critical that no one enter your premise if they or someone from their household has symptoms.
Thank you for reviewing all of this information and doing your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.