City Arena Facilities- Restrictions Update- March 1st, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Mar 01, 2022 | Michael Heffernan | 700 views
City Arena Facilities- Restrictions Update- March 1st
Hello All,

We have finally heard from the PPHU and City Arena Division on the March 1st removal of Proof of Vaccinations for our City Arenas and what will happen today. Below is the PPHU and City rules moving forward.  Please also check the municipal regulations for all road games as not all municipalities will remove the proof of vaccination for arena entries.

Also moving forward, the Sportzhead App and Return to Play form will no longer be needed to be completed before ice times or prior to a return to play. If you or anyone in your household have tested positive, you isolate for 5 days and return after the five days and 24/48 hours after specific symptoms as per Ontario and PPHU regulations.

The OMHA has not changed their policy for vaccinations and those age groups required to be vaccinated to play are still bound by the OMHA Policy. Those that opted out due to the vaccine will not be allowed back to play this season. OMHA will look at this policy during their March Directors meeting and will decide for next season prior to tryouts in the spring. 

Arena Division Release:

Thank you for your patience as we awaited updates to the Provincial regulation for O. Reg 364/20 . Please note effective at 12:00am today (Mar 1st), only Schedules 4 & 5 of the regulation remain in effect as jurisdictions including PPH move into the Exit Step. With this information, please see attached update Arena facility guidelines and below summary of effective changes: 

Proof of Vaccination will no longer be required prior to entry 

·       Passive Screening is to be completed by individuals prior to entry, signage for verification will be    posted at all entry points 

·       Masks/Face coverings are required at all times, limited exemptions apply 

·       No restriction on capacity limits in non-spectating or spectator areas of the facility 

·       Food and beverage consumption is permitted, masks to be worn at all times while not consuming.

·       Access to facilities will be provided at a minimum of 30 mins prior to permitted time

·       Safety Plans will continue to be required from permitted users/groups using the facility 



Thank you for your continued attention and cooperation, if you have any questions, please contact the Executive.

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