AGM Update & Membership Motion Proposal, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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May 08, 2023 | Michael Heffernan | 877 views
AGM Update & Membership Motion Proposal
     As per article 9.1 of the Constitution, the Peterborough Hockey Association will be hosting the annual AGM Wednesday May 10th, 2023. Terms for officials to commence with the 2023-2024 season.

Annual General Meeting :  Wednesday May 10th, 2023 Peterborough Lions Club (East City)


• Motion for the approval of the 2023 agenda

• Motion for the approval of the minutes of the 2021-2022 AGM

• President Update /Report – State of the Association

• VP reports of the activities of the Association during the preceding year; VP reports of the planned activities of the Association for the current year

• Presentation of the financial statements of the Association from the previous year; Approval of the financial statement

• Election of vacant offices

Peterborough Hockey Association Organizational ChartPHA Org Chart_Nov2014

Official Positions Available / Acclaimed  See Constitution for position descriptions- 

Term Rotation Schedule: Executive terms are two (2) years, unless noted otherwise, and the position term rotation schedule, beginning 2022, shall be:

Odd Year: President, VP Rep Hockey, VP Operations, HL Directors 1 & 2, Rep Directors 1 & 2, Treasurer, Secretary, Time Keeper Coordinator,

Even Year: VP House League, VP Business, HL Directors 3 & 4, Rep Directors 3 & 4, Referee- In- Chief, Ice Scheduler

Nominations must be made in advance of Scheduled AGM - See below!

 ·     President - 2-year term Acclaimed Mike Lain

Past President - Appointed - Mike Heffernan

         ·         VP Rep Hockey - 2 year term Acclaimed Paul Brown

·         VP Operations – year term Open for Nominations

  VP House League - 1 Year term ( mid term ) - Acclaimed Karen Woodman 

·         House League Director – 2 positions -2 year terms 
Leigh Woodman
Kyle Cavanagh

·         Rep Hockey Director 2 positions - 2 year term (Election Needed)
Nick Kewley
Rob Ostapek
Jeff Tysick

·         Treasurer - 2 year term - Paid Position Appointed by Board- non-voting - Clinton Fox

           Time Keeper Coordinator - 2 year term - Paid Position Appointed by Board -non- voting - Carole                 Wagner

·         Secretary - 2 year term - Paid Position Appointed by Board- non-voting - Amanda Fuller

2023-2024 Constitutional Motions 

 A motion was submitted to the PHA Executive / Membership has be tabled for discussion / voting at the AGM. 

Volunteer Incentive Motion 1
This motion would included all non-paid Executives, coaches and bench staff receive a small credit towards their children's hockey registration (HCR3.0 Credit) for their dedication and countless hours of hard work. If an executive or coach does not have a child playing in the PHA they will receive an equal monetary payment. 

Position credit breakdown:
President (Including past President) - $500
All VP's - $500
Directors - $300
HL Convenors - $100
Coaches (Rep & HL) - $100
Assistant Coaches / Managers - $25


All Coach and bench staff credits will be vetted for registration compliance. You must complete all credits, courses and trainings required to be rostered to a team before the credit is issued.

The Nomination deadline was  April 20th 12:01am, 2023. For complete position descriptions, voting and eligibility requirements, please review our 
PHA_Constitution_Feb182014_v6. Nominees are voted in at the Annual General Meeting being held Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, at 6:30pm, sign in by 6:15pm.

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