Rep Coach/ Team Feedback, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Oct 24, 2023 | Paul Brown | 381 views
Rep Coach/ Team Feedback
Hello Parents/ Players:

In the event that you have concerns with respect to your team, coach, etc, you should first address this with the Head Coach. If you are not comfortable addressing this directly with the Head Coach, you may reach out to the Manager. The Manager will then bring your concerns to the attention of the Coach.

The Manager is not obligated to keep your identity confidential however if you request to remain anonymous due to fear of reprisal, it is recommended that the Manager keep your identity private.

If parents and/ or players are emailing a Coach directly, the Manager is to be copied at all times. The Manager should also be copied on all emails from the Coaches to a parent. Parents/ Coaches may include the Rep Director, but this does not mean the situation has been escalated to the Executive.

If your concern is significant, has been ignored, or has not been adequately addressed, you may then bring it to the attention of the Rep Executive by way of your Rep Director. For significant concerns, you may also utilize the Hockey Canada Independent Third Party (

If a Parent-Coach meeting occurs, the Manager or other team designate is to be present at all times, and the details of the meeting should be documented.

The first round of Coach Feedback forms will be made available in December 2023, and the second round will be made available in February 2024. We often get questions about Coach selections, and feedback from parents is definitely taken into consideration. If you don’t provide feedback, you don’t have a voice. So, you are encouraged to complete these documents when they become available.

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