Coach Feedback, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Dec 03, 2023 | Paul Brown | 630 views
Coach Feedback
Hello Parents & Players:

In mid-November, PHA requested input from families with respect to feedback for coaching staff. Given the number of teams & players, there was a possibility of receiving input from approximately 700 people. We received only 16...

As a result of the data collection, the Rep Executive has decided to go with a paper form for bench staff feedback.

Feedback forms will be sent to parents via team Managers. Parents can then print & complete the form. Members of the Rep Executive will make arrangements to attend a team function (e.g. practice, game) to collect the forms. Teams will have advanced notice as to when the Executive member will attend.

In order to submit a form, you must be present (i.e. someone cannot submit the form on your behalf), and give the form to the Executive member directly on the date & time specified.

Players will be given an opportunity to complete a different feedback form away from parents in order to ensure responses without parental influence. The player's form will be shorter and use simple language. Members of the Rep Executive will oversee this, & collect this data as well.

We are hopeful that data collection will occur the week of December 11, however this is not yet confirmed.

A second round of feedback will be collected in late January/ early February. All of this data combined will help inform the Rep Executive as we enter 2024-25 Coach Selection.

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