PHA Dress Code, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Nov 22, 2023 | Paul Brown | 411 views
PHA Dress Code
Hello Parents:

Reminder to review the PHA Dress Code with respect to Rep hockey. A few reminders:

- players and coaches are to be dressed in business professional attire for all home games;
- PHA/ Petes toques are approved, however baseball caps, flat caps, fedora's etc are not permitted as part of the dress code;
- all players must wear BLACK gloves, pants, & helmets for all games.

PHA switched back to black gloves, black pants, and black helmets in 2020. Due to shut-downs in 2020 & 2021, this rule was no enforced until last season. One team was given a grace period last season due to a miscommunication.

Players must have black pants, black helmets, and black gloves on or before November 30, 2023. In the event that player does not meet the requirements as set out in the dress code, they will not be permitted to play in games until they meet the requirements.


Coaches are still required to dress in business professional attire.
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