Feedback, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Dec 11, 2023 | Paul Brown | 464 views
Hello PHA Families:

Some questions have come up about feedback surveys. So, some clarification:  

1.     1. Parent participation is voluntary;

2.     2. Player participation is voluntary. Parents or players can inform the Rep Director that the player will not be completing a survey;

3.     3. The player’s survey is approximately 10 questions;

4.     4. Parents have been informed that player feedback is being requested. If your player completes the survey, parent consent is implied;

5.     5. Rep Directors will read the questions to the players, & players will write down their answers on their own form.

6.     6. Coach’s children/ player will NOT be asked to leave the room while the surveys are being completed. They are a player on the team, and will have an opportunity to provide feedback like all other players;

7.     7. There shall be no discipline directed towards parents/ players as a result of feedback responses;

8.     8. Coaches also serving as Rep Directors will not see feedback from their age groups (i.e. Mark will not see any of the forms from U11, Rob will not see any of the forms from U14);

9.     9. Coaches will be given general feedback after this round;

10.  10. A second round of feedback will hopefully be collected in late January/ early February. The collective data from both rounds of feedback will be used to inform the Rep Executive during 2024-25 Coach Selection;

Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is the Proud sponsor of our U5 U7 U8 program The Timbits.
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