Welcome to the 2024-25 U10-U16 Rep Tryouts, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Apr 25, 2024 | Paul Brown | 982 views
Welcome to the 2024-25 U10-U16 Rep Tryouts
*Updated April 26, 2024*

Hello Parents/Guardians and Players:

On behalf of the Peterborough Hockey Association (PHA), I would like to welcome you to the tryouts for the 2024-2025 Peterborough Petes AA/A teams.

All players trying out for a Peterborough Petes AA/A team must purchase a PHA Tryout passport. Please see additional information under the Tryouts tab.

It is important that parents/ players understand OMHA rules with respect to PHA Residency Compliance/ Right of Choice. Note that some who would have previously qualified for Right of Choice may no longer qualify due to hard boundaries established by OMHA.

We invite non-residential players (NRP’s) to try out, however they are only eligible to try out for AA teams at U12 and older. The maximum number of NRP’s per team is three (3). NRP eligible players must be pre-registered with their home Centre and must bring a paper copy of their Permission to Skate from their home Centre to the PHA tryouts. Please see additional information under the Tryouts tab.

Tryout dates and times have been posted on team calendars. Please arrive at least 45 minutes prior to each skate to allow sufficient time to sign-in and to get dressed.

As per PHA guidelines, Coaches may select one parent-volunteer to assist with tryouts; either on-ice or as an evaluator. The coach will declare this volunteer in their Welcome email. All other evaluators and on-ice helpers will have no direct connection to any of the players trying out for this team.

Aspects such as skating, puck handling/passing/shooting, tenacity, knowledge of the game, impact on the play, and "coach-ability" will be assessed. These assessments will be used to determine which players will be offered a position on a team.

Each PHA player will be entitled to three (3) on-ice tryout sessions before being released to House League. This can be any combination of AA/A sessions totalling three (3). NRP’s may be released after one skate. NRP’s returning for subsequent tryouts must purchase additional NRP passports up to a total of three (3). If you do not purchase the NRP passport, you will not be permitted on the ice.

Passport numbers will be visible at the bottom of the welcome email sent by coaches. They may also choose to provide you with a written copy. Note that passport numbers change once a player has been released (i.e. Passport numbers in AA tryouts are different than A tryouts).

PHA has mandated that all player releases are made via the Association’s website using the player’s passport #. Here is the procedure for viewing tryout results:
1)     go to www.peterboroughhockey.com ;
2)     click on “Team Finder” at the top-left of the page;
3)     click on team name (e.g. U7 AA);
4)     go to the team home page and go to the team tryout player list;
5)     if your passport # is listed please return to the next tryout;
6)     if your passport # is NOT listed, your player has been released to the next level of tryouts (if applicable);
7)     after the final tryout, only the passport # of the players making the team will be posted on the website;
8)     players who make the team will be contacted by the coach within twenty-four (24) hours to attend a team meeting. The team meeting will occur within one (1) week of the last tryout, and the following will occur:
a)      players will sign a letter of commitment and the PHA Code of Conduct;
b)     parents will be required to sign the PHA Codes of Conduct;
c)      note that Codes of Conduct are PHA policies and parents/ players are bound by their contents regardless of whether or not they sign;
d)     team budget may be presented by the Coach &/ or Manager, and voted on by the parents. Parents shall be entitled to question items within the budget without fear of reprisal.

If your player is released and you would like feedback, you must wait until the end of that team’s tryout process (i.e. must wait until all AA tryouts are over before requesting feedback related to a AA release). No questions or complaints will be responded to by PHA until this time. Note that the feedback may be as simple as “We do not believe your player is a good fit for the team.”

Please remember the following as you consider having your child pursue Rep hockey. The PHA Representative program involves:
a league registration fee to be paid in full by a date in June 2024;
monthly team payments (ranging from $175 to $300) throughout the season;
participation in regular practices, developmental sessions (including on and off-ice), league and exhibition games, and tournaments;

In summary, competitive hockey is a large commitment on many levels (financial, time, etc.). We ask that players and parents understand what is required to fulfill their obligations to the team, and ensure that they are committed to the Rep program.

Please review the OMHA handout “8 Things Coaches Look for when Selecting a Team.”

Thank you for your interest in the PHA’s Rep hockey program. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the PHA Rep Executive or the Coach of the team for which your child is trying out.

Paul Brown, HonsBsc
Vice President of Rep Hockey
Peterborough Hockey Association

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