Trainers / Injury Report (Peterborough Hockey Association)

PrintTrainers / Injury Report

HTCP - Introduction
Hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. Each year over one million Canadians play in organized amateur leagues. Most of these individuals are children.
Due in part to the high participation level, hockey is also one of the leading activities resulting in accidental injury.
With this in mind, the Hockey Trainers Certification Program (HTCP) was initiated in 1980 by the late Bob Firth, a staff member of the government sponsored Hockey Ontario Development Committee (HODC). With the assistance of a Medical Advisory Board, a board of consultants, and the St. John Ambulance, the program was officially launched in November 1980.
During the next three years the program continued to grow and develop until the HODC was restructured in 1984 into two different organizations; the Hockey Development Centre for Ontario (HDCO) and Sports Medicine Ontario (SMO). The HTCP became the responsibility of Sports Medicine Ontario until April 1, 1985 when the responsibility for the program was transferred to the Hockey Development Centre for Ontario (HDCO) where it remains today.
The HDCO is comprised of representatives from the three Hockey Canada (HC) Ontario Branches and their Divisions. In 1985, one of these representatives, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA), responded to the sudden increase in hockey injuries and proceeded to incorporate the HTCP into their development programs. They ruled that all OMHA registered trainers, or in the absence of a trainer, at least one member of the coaching staff must obtain trainer certification by October 1986. Subsequently, Hockey Eastern Ontario (formerly Ottawa District Hockey Association), and the Northern Ontario Hockey Association also required each carded team to have an HTCP certified trainer. Over the next several years the GTHL, OHA, ALLIANCE, HNO, and OWHA have enacted rules mandating certified trainers for their association teams.
In 1994, Hockey Canada implemented a National Safety Program (HCSP) based on the HTCP for other provinces in Canada. Today, the HDCO and HCSP work closely to provide education for trainers across the country. It is the goal of these two organizations to have trainers available for all teams in Canada regardless of age category.
HTCP - Mission Statement

The Hockey Trainers Certification Program will endeavour to provide the amateur hockey volunteer a simple, effective approach: to the prevention and management of injuries in hockey, understanding risk management principles and the Speak Out Program. The HTCP strives to be an educational program for the purpose of increasing communication, awareness, personal knowledge and as an end result enhancing a safe, positive environment with respect and encouragement for hockey volunteers and participants in Ontario.

HTCP - Code of Ethics
The Hockey Trainers Certification program is dedicated to the ideals of safety, enjoyment, sportsmanship, education and honesty in the game of hockey. the program is intended to promote the highest standards of proper conduct and integrity in the filed of hockey training.
The HTCP has identified several principles by which certified members are encouraged to practice:

  • Should strive to enhance the safety of all hockey participants at all times.
  • Use only those techniques that you are qualified to administer.
  • Always err on the side of caution and never practice any behaviour that may ultimately harm a participant or worsen an injury.
  • Never mislead or lie about their qualifications, education or professional affiliations.
  • Strive to achieve the highest level of competence and continue to educate yourself to update and improve your skills.
  • Strive to promote the values of Fair Play, integrity and friendship in hockey, and never condone, encourage, engage in or defend unsportsmanlike conduct, including the use of performance enhancing substances.
  • Always put the player's best interest first and ensure that all players are treated with respect and integrity; from from any form of physical and/or emotional maltreatment.
  • Never practice, condone, defend or permit discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sexual orientation, age, religion or ethnic origin.
  • Respect all participant information as confidential. Such information shall not be disclosed to any person without the consent of the participant and their parents or guardians, except where required by law or in the event of an emergency.

Learn the roles of a safety person and trainer in case of an emergency

The following are responsibilities the safety person should assume to prepare for potential injury to a player:

  • Maintain accurate medical information files on all players and bring to all team activities.
  • Maintain a player injury log.
  • Maintain a fully-stocked first aid kit and bring to all team activities.
  • Implement an effective Emergency Action Plan (EAP) with your team and practice it regularly to ensure all involved understand their roles and are prepared to act promptly when an incident occurs.
  • Recognize life-threatening and significant injuries, and be prepared to deal with serious injuries.
  • Manage minor injuries according to basic injury-management principles and refer players to medical professionals when necessary.
  • Recognize injuries that require a player to be removed from action. Refer players to medical professionals and coordinate return to play.
  • Facilitate communication with players, coaches, parents, physicians, therapists, paramedical personnel, officials and other volunteers regarding safety, injury prevention and player health status.

In a situation where a player is injured on the ice, the following are the responsibilities of the safety person:

  • Initially take control and assess the situation when coming into contact with the injured player.
  • Instruct the player to lay still.
  • Instruct bystanders to leave the injured player alone.
  • Do not move the player and leave all equipment in place.
  • Evaluate the injury and situation. This may include anything from an unconscious player to a sprained finger. Once you have determined the severity of the injury, decide whether or not an ambulance or medical care is required.
  • If the injury is serious and warrants immediate attention that you are not qualified to provide, seek out someone with the highest possible level of first aid/medical expertise.

NOTE: As the safety person, you should be aware of those individuals on your team with these qualifications and arrange a signal should you need their assistance.

  • If an ambulance is required, notify your call person with a pre-determined signal. Give a brief explanation of the injury and tell them to call for an ambulance. Let the injured player know that an ambulance is being called and why. This could reduce fear and panic on the part of the player.
  • Once the call has been placed, observe the player carefully for any change in condition and try to calm and reassure the player until medical professionals arrive
  • STAY CALM. Keep an even tone in your voice.
  • Make a note of the time at which the injury occurred and keep track in writing of all pertinent facts regarding the accident, including time of occurrence, time of ambulance arrival, etc.

In a situation where a player is injured on the ice, the following are the responsibilities of the game officials:

  • Once the injured player’s team takes possession of the puck, the referee blows down the play. If the injury is deemed serious by the referee, they may blow down the play immediately.
  • Once play has stopped, the referee should signal the safety person on to the ice. If possible, a linesperson should help the safety person to the injured player. It is recommended that the officials pre-determine as a group who will give this assistance in the case of an injury. If the officials are otherwise occupied, the safety person can leave the bench immediately once the play is blown down if they feel the injury is serious.
  • As the safety person assesses the player’s condition, officials should ask both teams to go to their benches and the officials should remain on the ice and in control of both teams.
  • If an official is a medical professional or has first-aid training, they should advise the safety person of this and remain close to the safety person in case they ask for assistance.
  • If the safety person requests assistance from someone in the stands, the officials should allow this person on to the ice surface, assisting them to the injured player and safety person.
  • Once the safety person has determined the player can be removed from the ice, the official should allow the safety person to take the lead in removing the player safely.
  • If the safety person deems necessary and requests an ambulance, they will signal to the call person in the stands. The call person has been trained to come to the ice surface and out to the safety person to receive information on the injury. The official should assist the call person on and off the ice.
  • Once the ambulance is called, the officials should send both teams to their dressing rooms. The officials can also work to assist the safety person as required once both teams are in their rooms.
  • If the parents of the injured player come to the ice surface, the officials should use common sense. For example, if the player is very young it may be beneficial to have one parent come out to the player to comfort them until the ambulance arrives.
  • Once the ambulance arrives, the paramedics take control of the situation and the official should stand by to assist in any way possible.

In a situation where a player is injured on the ice, the following are the responsibilities of the coach/assistant coach/manager:

  • The coach/assistant coach/manager should not be in a role where they are part of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) as the call person or the control person. They should initiate a meeting at the beginning of the season to ensure they have the volunteers required for their EAP.
  • In the case of a serious injury, the coach has the responsibility to ensure all other players on the team are kept at the bench or are taken to the dressing room if instructed to do so by the game official.
  • The assistant coach will assist the coach as necessary with this process. If the coach is acting as the safety person, they should pre-determine who on the team will take on the supervision role if they are attending to an injured player.
  • The manager should make themselves available to the safety person to assist in any way possible. This could include accessing the medical history form, speaking with the parents and assisting the control person.

For details on duties and trainers course please visit the following website:

Head Injuries:
ROWANS Law Website:
Return to Play Protocols: Return_to_Sport_ROWANS_Law.docx

Hockey Canada / OHF Insurance Form:

Injury Log: