1. OMHA rules and regulations apply.
2. Referee's decision is final. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Tournament Chairperson is final.
3. No protests allowed.
4. No timeouts are allowed during Round Robin Games.
5. Handshaking will take place prior to the start of the game.
6. Home team will wear light coloured sweaters and visiting team will wear dark coloured sweaters if they have 2 sets of jerseys.
7. Two major penalties incurred during the tournament will result in a suspension from the tournament.
8. All OMHA rules will apply.
Suspensions will be as per OMHA/OHF Suspension List. Suspensions will be served in the next tournament games(s). If the entire suspension has not been served then it will carry over after the tournament. A report of carry-over suspensions will be filed with your governing body. A Match penalty will result in an immediate suspension from the tournament.
9. All team managers must register at the Tournament Office at Evinrude Centre prior to the first game.
10. Be prepared to start your games 15 minutes early.
11. All tournament games will comprise of 3 stop time periods scheduled as per OMHA Regulation 10.2a) & 10.2b). However when any team is ahead by five or more goals in the third period the clock will run straight time unless the gap is reduced to three goals, at which point the clock will revert back to stop time. The only time the clock would be stopped during time is if an on-ice injury should occur. All penalties are running time.
12. There will be a 3 minute warm-up that starts as soon as the doors are closed for the zamboni. Resurfacing of ice will only occur prior to the game except in the championship finals where it will also occur between 2nd and 3rd period.
13. In the Semi and Finals games if there is a tie it will go into a 5 minute 4 on 4 overtime period, if still tied it will then go to a shoot out. The shoot out if necessary will be 3 players per team which are to be marked on the game sheet prior to the game. If still tied after the first 3 shooter then it will be one player at a time per side. A player may only shoot once unless all the skaters in the line up have taken a shot.
14. TWO STAFF MEMBERS of each team MUST be in attendance with the players in the dressing rooms at all times, until the last player departs to ensure no damages occur and the rooms are left tidy.
15. Damages to the dressing rooms or arena caused by a player, carded staff or team spectators will be the responsibility of the team whosoever caused.
16. Audio players (radios, CD player etc) are permitted in the dressing rooms provided that the volume is kept at a reasonable level and cannot be heard in the hallways.
18. Players or team officials are not to enter the referee rooms either one hour prior to or after the game that they will or did take part in. Referees will document any inappropriate behaviour on the game sheet involving the coaching staff, players or team officials.
19. The tournament sponsors and/or the Tournament Committee, and/or the Peterborough Hockey Association are not liable for any injuries (including death), damages or thefts, which take place during the tournament whosoever caused.
- Top 4 Teams in each Division will advance to Semi Finals
- Top 4 Teams decided based on point system. Points awarded as follows:
- Win = 2 points, Tie = 1 point, Loss = 0 points
- In the event of a 2-way tie at the end of Round Robin play, tie breaker will be as follows:
If 2 teams tied:
1) Games score between the 2 teams.
2) Team with the lowest goals against
3) Team with the highest goals for.
4) Team with the lowest penalty minutes.
**Please note that in the event of a 3-way or more tie, “Head to Head” does not count and we will start with “Team with the fewest goals against”.
If 3 (or more) teams tied:
1) Team with the lowest goals against will advance.
2) Game score between the 2 remaining teams.
3) Team with the highest goals for.
4) Team with the lowest penalty minutes.
When all above fails, a coin toss by the convenor.
Semi-finals and Championship games are final score only. Winners will advance. No Ties in Championship games.