November 29, 2014
Sanction # 9162955
Each team is guaranteed 3 games.
Format will be 10/10/10
Teams must be prepared to play at 7:45am.
Tournament fees are $700.00 + $35.00 Tournament Administration Fee
No gates fees.
Payment by Cheque, Money Order, Credit Card
Cheque payable to: "Peterborough Hockey Association"
Tournament is Now Full.
Please note: This is considered a "B" level house league tournament. If your association is or participates in a tiered house league program (as in the ODHA/ODMHA), then we will only accept teams classified as "B" (or lower). If your association is or participates in an untiered house league program (as in several OMHA centres where teams are composed of players of different calibre), then your team would be acceptable. If your HL team also plays in a select type loop it is not eligible for this tournament. Thank you
Teams are ACCEPTED into the tournament based on the date of registration
provided that (i) the entry fee cheque is received within ten (10) days of online
registration at the address below; and (ii) the division is not full. If your cheque
is received after 10 days from the date of registration, you team will be
ACCEPTED based on availability at the time the cheque is received.
NSF Cheques will be subject to a surcharge of $40 in addition to the entry fee.
Mail cheques:
c/o 714 Young St.
Peterborough, ON
K9J 3A4