2024/2025 Coaching Qualifications (Peterborough Hockey Association)

Print2024/2025 Coaching Qualifications



2024/2025 Police Vulnerable Sector Check Information

2025-2026 PHA/OMHA Team Official Qualification Requirements:

2025-2026 Coaching Qualification Requirements (Peterborough Hockey Association)

2024 PHA/OMHA Coach Clinics

All qualifications listed are the Minimum Requirement

All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) require:  Respect in Sport (RIS) Activity Leader: Respect In Sport - Activity Leader - this is a DIFFERENT course than Respect in Sport Parent 
All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) require: Gender Identity & Expression Course: Gender Identity and Expression 
All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) must complete Rowan’s Law Resource & Acknowledgement
All qualifications must be registered with the OMHA
All Team Officials (Coach, Trainer, & Manager) Vulnerable Sector Police Record Check

2024-2025 PHA/OMHA Team Official Qualification Requirements
PHA House League
      Head Coach                                   Assistant Coach                              Trainer

U5, U7, U8, U9              Coach 1 –Intro to Coach                 Coach 1 –Intro to Coach                   HTCP Level 1

U10-U18/U21                Coach 2 –Coach Level Trained         Coach 2 –Coach Level Trained           HTCP Level 1


Coaches in U5, U7, U8, & U9 Must hold Coach 1 –Intro to Coach –No other qualifications are accepted

Follow the below steps to get yourself all set up in Spordle:

  1. Complete the Respect In Sport Activity Leader ( You need to do this to get your HCR number)  http://omha.respectgroupinc.com/koala_final/   
  2. Go to:  https://account.spordle.com/login?referrer=%2Fdashboard
  3. Either login (if you have an old ehockey account you should be able to just login with your old login info) if you do not have an old account you will need to create a new account.
  4. When Spordle loads you will be brought to the dashboard.  The Dashboard shows all linked players as well as where you can register your kids for next season.  Your name will be there and have a crown beside it… YOU STILL NEED TO ADD YOURSELF  to the account in order to do the coaching courses. 
  5. To link a person to your Spordle account :
    1. Click Link a member
    2. Enter in the First Last and Birth date of the person you are looking for 
    3. Click Link this member
  6. You will need to add YOURSELF to your account. Follow the above steps to add yourself to your Spordle account. 
  7. You will know that you have added yourself correctly if you have your HCR number listed under your name. 
  8. Once you have added yourself you will now be able to register for coaching clinics: https://register.hockeycanada.ca/clinics
    1. Select the course you want to take and select YOUR name when registering  for the course. 
U5, U7, U8, U9 you will need to complete:  
  1. Respect in Sport (RIS)Activity Leader  https://omha.respectgroupinc.com/koala_final/
  2. Gender Identity & Expression Course (Gender Identity Course)
  3. HU - ONLINE Coach 1/Coach2   Hockey Canada Coach 1 - Make sure you have OHF and OMHA  selected in the dropdown menus. 
  5. Rowan’s Law Resource & Acknowledgement https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-concussion-safety?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=concussion_safety&utm_content=en_link%20ad_rowan_tw
  6. Police Vulnerable Sector Check - https://peterboroughhockey.com/Pages/20141/Police_Record_Checks/
  7. TRAINERS ONLY - HTCP Level 1 -Online Course -https://htohockey.ca
U10-U18 you will need to complete:  
  1. Respect in Sport (RIS)Activity Leader  https://omha.respectgroupinc.com/koala_final/
  2. Gender Identity & Expression Course (Gender Identity Course)
  3. Checking Course - Coach - Hockey Canada Skills - Checking
  4. HU - ONLINE Coach 2 - Coach - Hockey Canada Coach 2 - Make sure you have OHF and OMHA selected in the dropdown menus. 
  5.  Rowan’s Law Resource & Acknowledgement https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-concussion-safety?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=concussion_safety&utm_content=en_link%20ad_rowan_tw
  6. All qualifications must be registered with the OMHA
  7. Police Vulnerable Sector Check - https://peterboroughhockey.com/Pages/20141/Police_Record_Checks/
  8. TRAINERS ONLY - HTCP Level 1 -Online Course -https://htohockey.ca

When you have completed your courses don't forget to send your receipts to:
So you can be reimbursed for your courses once you are rostered.

Police Record Checks
Please get your Police Record check requested ASAP. You will not be able to roster without a current and up to date record check including Vulnerable Sector on file with Hockey Canada.

Click here for the PHA Police Check Page

Once you receive your completed Police check - Upload completed Police Check to your Spordle Account  


Please Note: As of May 15th, 2021, eHockey has been retired.  eHockey functionality will now be located at its new home inside HCR 3.0 as of June 1st, 2021.

If you have been registered in hockey previously as a Player, Coach, Official, or Trainer you can view your profile by creating an account in the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR 3.0).

Click on the following document to set up access.

Setting Up your Hockey Canada Registry Account

How to link a Member in the Hockey Canada Registry

How to View Qualifications


OMHA Covid Vaccine Policy

All Team Officials are required to be Fully Vaccinated (i.e.: including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose) by October 31, 2021 or earlier. All Team Officials must present to their Association designate, as applicable, evidence satisfactory to the OMHA demonstrating that they have received the completed series of an Accepted COVID-19 Vaccine.

OMHA Policy: