3rd Annual Mike Mulvaney House League Tournament
• No Team is considered registered until a) Payment is received b) Approved roster and Travel Permit is uploaded, reviewed and accepted by the Tournament Director
Sign In registration:
- Teams can Sign In at the Arena they play their first game at unless you have a Travel Permit or Roster outstanding then you must Register at the Kinsmen an hour before your game. If Roster or Travel Permit not received an hour before your first game you will not be eligible to play your first game and will be recorded as a loss.
- Only one Team Official needs to register. Other Team Officials and Players do not need to sign anything at the time of Registration. Please note however that ALL Team Officials are required to sign the Game Sheet at each game played. Game Sheets will be at the Convenor Tables at each Arena. Game Sheets are NOT to leave the Convenor Table.
- Managers - ensure your Team's Official Approved Roster and a Travel Permit signed by your Association have been uploaded.
Tournament Rules:
This Tournament is OMHA Sanctioned and therefore will follow OMHA Rules and Regulations governing hockey. In addition to these Rules and Regulations the Following will also apply:
- The Referees Decisions are final. There will be no appeal process.
- Each Team must have a Certified Coach and Trainer on the bench at all times.
- A Player is allowed to play for one Team only during the Tournament.
- Only Players, Coaches, Trainers, Managers, or Tournament Volunteers to a maximum of 5 are allowed in Dressing Rooms or Dressing Room Hallways before and after games.
- Parents are not to be in Dressing Room Hallways. Please ask Parents to wait in the Lobby Areas as this will help keep congestion down in the Hallways for Players and Teams coming and going.
- Any Team Official walking across the ice surface before or after their Game will result in a 2 minute Bench Minor. Only exception to this is if there is an injury to one of the Players on the ice. Penalty will be served at the start of the game or if infraction happened after the game penalty will be served at the start of the Team's next game.
- Any Player or Team Official receiving a penalty listed on the Game Sheet as a GRM (Gross Misconduct) or Match Penalty (MP) will be automatically suspended from the Tournament. All Game Sheets are sent into OMHA.
Game Play:
Round Robin Games:
- Each team will play 4 Round Robin Games.
- Length of Games are as follows:
- Novice to Major Peewee 10-10-10
- Minor Bantam to Major Midget 10-10-15
- All games will start with 13 minutes on the clock. As soon as the Referees have stepped on the ice the clock will start for the Teams to warm up. At 11 minutes the Referees will blow their whistle signalling the Teams to get ready to start. The puck will drop at the 10 minute mark and the clock will not stop until the first stoppage in play. This is to ensure that games start on time.
- There will be no Time Outs or Overtime in the Round Robin Games.
- Ice will not be resurfaced between periods.
- Referees decisions are final. There will be no appeal process
- In the case of a 5 goal lead during the 3rd period, the time clock will run continuous. Should the goal lead become less than 5 during the 3rd period the game will return to stop time.
- Teams should be ready to play no later than 15 minutes prior to scheduled game time.
**Please note that in the event of a 3-way or more tie, “Head to Head” does not count and we will start with “Team with the fewest goals against”.
Final Games:
- Ice will not be resurfaced between periods.
- Referees decisions are final.
- All games will start with 13 minutes on the clock. As soon as the Referees have stepped on the ice the clock will start for the Teams to warm up. At 11 minutes the Referees will blow their whistle signalling the Teams to get ready to start. The puck will drop at the 10 minute mark and the clock will not stop until the first stoppage in play. This is to ensure that games start on time.
- In the case of a 5 goal lead during the 3rd period, the time clock will run continuous. Should the goal lead become less than 5 during the 3rd period the game will return to stop time.
- In the event of a tie at the end of Regulation Time we will then go to a 5 Player Shootout. Players for the Shootout are to be decided prior to the game on a sheet provided at the Convenor Table. All 5 Players will take a shot. Once the Player has taken his/her shot they will be placed in the Penalty Box. If the game is still tied after the 5 Player Shootout we will then have the Players on the Bench shoot however it will be Sudden Victory at this time. Please ensure Players know to go to the Penalty box after their shot. No Player will be allowed to shoot again until each Player has taken a shot and the score is still tied.
- At the end of the Final Game Teams are to line up on their blue lines for the Award Ceremony. This is the only time a Coach is allowed to be on the ice surface.
- After the Award Ceremony the Champions and Finalists will be given a few minutes to take their Team Photo on the Ice however we ask that each Team have ONE designated person per Team to take a Team photo.
- Any Spectator, Player, or Team Official being verbally aggressive or physically aggressive with Referees, Other Players, Team Officials, Tournament Officials, or other Spectators will be asked to leave the Playing Area and possibly the Arena depending on the situation. Police will be called if necessary.
- Any Player or Team Official receiving a Gross Misconduct (GRM) or Match Penatly (MP) will be automatically suspended from any further Play in the Tournament. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
- Any Team Official walking across the ice surface before, during, or after their Game will result in a 2 minute Bench Minor. Only exception to this is if there is an injury to one of the Players on the ice. Penalty will be served at the start of the game or if infraction happened after the game penalty will be served at the start of the Team's next game.
- PLEASE NOTE: Any damage to or a Dressing Room left in a complete mess ie Water/Gatorade bottles all over the floor, tape everywhere, toilets and or sinks plugged and over flowing, Urine in garbage containers or anywhere but the toilet will result in the Team receiving an invoice for the damage and or clean up. The Team's Association will also receive a copy of the bill along with a letter informing them.
- All Game Sheets are forwarded to the OMHA.
Thank-you for participating in the Tournament and Good luck this weekend!