2024 Annual General Meeting Notification, News (Peterborough Hockey Association)

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Apr 04, 2024 | Michael Heffernan | 2277 views
2024 Annual General Meeting Notification
Peterborough Hockey Association

Annual AGM Annual General Meeting:   

Thursday May 9th, 2024 Peterborough Lions Club (East City)
at 6:30pm, sign in by 6:15pm.

2024 Meeting AGENDA:

• Motion for the approval of the 2024 agenda

• Motion for the approval of the minutes of the 2022-2023 AGM

• President Update /Report – State of the Association

• VP reports of the activities of the Association during the preceding year; VP reports of the planned activities of the Association for the current year

• Presentation of the financial statements of the Association from the previous year; Approval of the financial statement

• Election of vacant offices

Peterborough Hockey Association Organizational Chart:PHA Org Chart_Nov2014

Official Positions Descriptions See Constitution for position descriptions- 

Nominations must be made in advance of Scheduled AGM - See below!

2024-2025 Constitutional Motions 

Any member may submit a constitutional motion, this must be submitted 30 days prior to the meeting to the secretary and will be tabled for discussion / voting by the membership at the AGM. 

The Nomination deadline is April 10th 11.59pm, 2024. For complete position descriptions, voting and eligibility requirements, please review our PHA_Constitution_Feb182014_v6. Nominees are voted in at the Annual General Meeting being held Thursday May 9th, 2024, at 6:30pm, sign in by 6:15pm.

 Constitution Rules for AGM:


7.1. Annual General Meeting of Members:   The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year no later than May 10th , at a time, place and day determined by the Executive, for the transaction of, at least, the following business, to be set out in the agenda of such Annual General Meeting;  - approval of the agenda;  - approval of the minutes of the previous Meeting of the Membership;  - receiving reports of the activities of the Association during the preceding year;  - receiving information regarding the planned activities of the Association for the current year;  - receiving and approving the financial statements of the Association from the previous year as prepared by the Vice President Business ;  - consideration of any proposed amendments to the By-laws of the Association;  - transaction of any business which relates to the business of the Meeting referred to above, and notice and particulars of which are received by the Secretary in writing on or before 6:00 p.m. April 10th , immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting;  



9.1. Nominations:   The election of Directors shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Membership. No election or appointment of an Executive Member is effective without consent given in writing prior to the election or appointment. Nomination Forms for the Executive shall be available each year from the Secretary by January 31st. A Nomination Form must be completed by all nominees and two (2) nominators who are Members (in good standing) of the Association. Such completed form must be delivered to the Secretary at least twenty (20) days prior to the election.  

11.17.  Past President; The Past President shall:  chair the Nominations and Elections Committee;  


Term Rotation Schedule:   Executive terms are two (2) years, unless noted otherwise, and the position term rotation schedule, beginning 2022, shall be:  Odd years: President, VP Rep hockey, VP Operations, HL Directors 1 & 2, Rep Directors 1 & 2, Treasurer, Secretary, Time Keeper Coordinator.  Even Years: VP House League, VP Business, Registrar, HL directors 3 & 4, Rep Directors 3 & 4, Referee-in-Chief, Ice Scheduler.  


2024 AGM is an Even Year so the following highlighted elections will occur:


9.2 Executive Numbers, Positions and Terms:   The Executive shall consist of the following:

- Past President - (immediate following presidents term) – appointed 

- President - Elected - two (2) year term  - Mike Lain

- Vice President House League - Elected - two (2) year term  - Election in 2024

- Vice President Rep Hockey - Elected - two (2) year term – Paul Brown 

- Vice President Business – Elected – two (2) year term  -Election in 2024

- Vice President Operations – Elected – two (2) year term – Nick Kewley

- Secretary - Elected - two (2) year term (non-voting) – Amanda Fuller

- Registrar – Appointed – two (2) year term  -Needs Appointing in 2024

- Treasurer - Elected - two (2) year term (non-voting)  - Clint Fox

- House League Hockey Director 1 & 2 - Elected - two (2) year term (2 positions)  Leigh Woodman & Kyle Cavanagh

- House League Hockey Director 3 & 4 - Elected - two (2) year term (2 positions)  -Election in 2024

- Representative Hockey Director 1 & 2 – Elected - two (2) year term (2 positions)  Jeff Tysick & Rob Ostapek 

- Representative Hockey Director 3 & 4 – Elected - two (2) year term (2 positions)  -Election in 2024

- Referee in Chief - Appointed - two (2) year term (non-voting)  -Needs Appointing in 2024

- Timekeeper Coordinator – two (2) year term (non-voting) Carol Wagner

- Ice Scheduler – two (2) year term (non-voting) -Needs Appointing in 2024

- Honorary Lifetime Member - up to five (5) positions - appointed two (2) year term  


If you would like to nominate someone for one of the highlighted vacant position, please click the tab below:

Nomination Form 2024

If you have any questions please email the PHA President Mike Lain at [email protected] or Nominations / Elections Chair Mike Heffernan at [email protected]

Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is the Proud sponsor of our U5 U7 U8 program The Timbits.
Proud Sponsor of the Atom division House League Division - I’m lovin’ it